tteokbokki korean simmered rice cake in gochujiang sauce

Tteokbokki: Korean rice cake simmered in spicy sauce

Easy recipe for Korean Tteokbokki ready in 15 minutes! Shop the ingredients on our online store
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Tteokbokki, simmered rice cakes in spicy sauce, is a popular Korean dish. The main ingredients include Korean rice cake (tteok), fish cakes and a Gochujiang (Korean red chili paste) based spicy sauce. It is perfect to take for aperitif or as a snack paring with some Korean Soju

You can get a plate of Tteokbokki ready within 15 minutes using products available in our store. Check out the following recipe and start making it. 




1. Cut the onion and zucchini into slices; cut the fish cake into smaller pieces: cut the scallion and the green chili into small pieces.

2. Pour the water and the rice cake into a pan and bring to boil. Simmer until the rice cakes turn soft.

3. Add the onion, zucchini and the fish cakes into the pan. Then pour in the spicy Tteokbokki sauce. Keep simmering for another 2 minutes.

4. (Optional but highly recommended) Add some kimchi into simmering. 
5. Garnish with some scallion, green chili (and some toasted sesame).


Next time when you watch a K-drama, remember to prepare yourself a plate of Tteokbokki. 


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